Slug Optimization

Slug optimization is the process of optimizing website URLs, in this process keywords are added in the blog/website URLs so that indexing of the webpage becomes easier and can be done easily in short time.

slug optimization

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In this, you can see, in every page-or-post section you’ll find permalinks option under the title box. What all you have to do is just click on, a text box will open containing some text, mostly that text is the title of you page or post. Secondly, if  you want you can delete those text and can add you own keywords, or you can add keywords along with the text in permalinks.

slug optimization

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Lastly, once you are done with adding the keywords in the permalinks, click on OK button, and finally on the publish.

While adding the keywords in the permalinks section, keep the following things in mind

  • Don’t just add keywords which are unrelated to your post, this might result in poor optimization.
  • Don’t just make you permalink a keyword market, be ethical while adding the keywords. Just add limited keywords only (4-6 max).
  • Always add keywords related to your site.
  • Don’t just add high paying keywords, for optimization what matters in the topic of your site, so keep in mind that the keywords you’re placing are of good ranking, and most importantly they are related with your content (though there search/ranking is less as compared to others). Read this for more info on keywords. What type of keywords to use?
  • Always remember the GOLDEN RULE of optimization, and that is “HAVE PATIENCE” optimization is a process not an event.

JavaScript, ASP.Net & PHP Web Developer. Connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

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