Advance Web Site Structure For Better SEO

Once you are done with the basic structure of your website, now you can implement several additional advance structural considerations to optimize your site for Search engine purpose.
For example, beyond setting up your website so that it is indexed. you may want to instruct the search engine not to index a particular page. A robots.txt file allows you to tell search engine spiders what they may not do when they arrive at your domain. Robots.txt file also provide you a means to prevent both copyright infringements and search engine spiders from consuming excessive amounts of bandwidth on your server.

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One primary example of advanced web site structuring includes the use of the nofollow attribute. The nofollow attribute instructs search engine spiders that they should not follow a particular link or view that link. Because search engine count links form your Website to another website as a vote for search engine ranking purposes, you can add nofollow if you do not want the search engine spider to credit the link.

A second advanced website structural consideration is the way you structure your URLs. URLs must be structured so that they are easily spider ed and organized and create a user-friendly Web site navigation system. Search engines as well as people prefer URLs that are simple and that include the keywords describing the page within the URL string.

A third structural consideration is the use of an .htaccess file. An .htaccess file is the Apache Web server’s configuration file. It is a straight forward yet powerful text file that can accomplish a wide variety of functions that allow you to protect you website from content stealing robots. Moreover, .htaccess is useful is that it allows you to dynamically rewrite poorly formed URLs that blog software generate.
Other advanced website structural consideration include using mod_rewrite to rewrite URLs, redirecting non-WWW traffic to your WWW domain, and using 301 redirects whenever you change or redesign your website. Each advanced structuring technique provides you with procedures to ensure that search engines recognize your website and that each of your web pages are correctly indexed.

JavaScript, ASP.Net & PHP Web Developer. Connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

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