Check Live Traffic On Your Website Using Google Analytics

Now just forget about the various plugins and software to check the live visitor rate on your website, use the most trusted brand in the market to check the live traffic, yes my friend I’m talking about Google Analytics the most trusted name in the internet market.

Now use Google Analytics to check the live traffic on your site. Follow the steps below to check the live traffic
1. Select your website in Analytics account.
2. The default page which is opened is of STANDARD REPORTING, on the menu bar their is HOME page just click on the home page.
3. Select REAL-TIME Beta from left side bar and select overview, this will show you the live traffic on your site, and which is genuine result.

Now don’t get confuse, now just go for Analytics and forget other fake tools, result displayed by other tools are not accurate but Google, name is enough. It even tells you the source of traffic and the landing page and even the location.
Go try for Google Analytics.

JavaScript, ASP.Net & PHP Web Developer. Connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

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