Visible On-Page Factors- Advanced SEO

As the name suggest, visible on-page factors are SEO technique which are clearly visible on the site to the user or we can say a user can easily view all the things.

The visible on-page factors covered here are the following

  •  Page Title
  • Page Headings
  • Page copy
  • Outbound links
  • Keywords in URLs and domain name
  •  Overall site topicality

The page title is the string of text, defined by the contents of the < title > element in the < head > section of the HTML document. The title is visible both in the title bar of a browser window, as well as the headline of a search engine result.
It is the one of the most important factor in search engine rankings, as well as a critical call to action that can enhance the click through rate (CTR).
One of the biggest mistakes web developers make is to set the title for all pages on a website to the name generic text. Frequently, this text is the company name and/or a slogan.In this case, at best your pages will be indexed poorly. At worst, the site could receive a penalty if the search engines see the pages as duplicate content. Be sure all dynamic site have unique and relevant titles.
When writing title is also wise to insert some targeted keywords. Keyword stuffed title are not always effective for CTR, though they may rank well.

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Page headings are the section of text set off from web page copy to indicate overall context and meaning. They are usually larger in size than the other copy writing the document. They are typically created using < Hx > tag in the HTML, where x is number between 1 to 6.

It is intuitively clear that a page that contains the keywords that a user is looking for should be relevant to his or her search query. Search engine algorithms take into account as well. Keyword insertion, however, should not be done in the excess. Excessive and contrived keyword repetition- “Keyword Stuffing” – however, could actually be perceived as spam.

Search engines will evaluate the links that a document contains. A related link on a webpage is valuable content in and of itself, and is treated as such by search engines. However, links to totally irrelevant or spam content can potentially hurt the rankings of a page. Linking to a “bad neighborhood” of spam sites or even lots of irrelevant sites can hut as site’s rankings.

It is likely that keywords contained by a URL, both in the domain name or in the file name, do have minor but apparently positive effect on ranking. It also likely has an effect on CTR because keywords in the URL may make a user more lukely to click asn link due to an increase in perceived relevance. The URL, like the page title is also often selected as the anchor text fora link. This may have the same previously mentioned beneficial effect.

Search engine may make the assumption that page not-linked to, or buried within a website’s internal link structure, are less important, just as they assume that pages that are not linked well from external sources are less important than those that are. Linking from the home page to content that you would like to rank can improve that page’s rankings as well as liking to it from sitemap and from various related content within the site.
One horrible way to push pages down the link hierarchy is to implement pagination using “<prev” and “next>” links, without linking directly to the individual pages.

  •  Don’t use simple pagination. Page with “<prev” and “next>” links, but also add links to the individual pages, that is, “<prev 1 2 3 4 next>”. This created better navigation scheme to all pages.
  •  Add a sitemap with links to all pages.

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The fact that a web page is semantically related to other pages within a website may boost the rankings of that particluar page. This means other related pages linked within a site may be used to boost the ranking of the website as a whole. This tends to happen naturally when writing quality content for a web site regardless.

JavaScript, ASP.Net & PHP Web Developer. Connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

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