Ways to optimize images for better search engine rankings

The most controversial topic in the web world is, how to optimize images. I came across many people who make their website based ...

Avoiding Indexing Error Pages Using 500

Once upon a time, in a place far away, your web server is chugging along; everything is fine and dandy. Then, all of a sudden, ...

Removing Deleted Pages Using 404

Everyone with “fat fingers” has seen the 404 status code at some point. It means that URL you requested does not ...

When is it best to start SEO?

The quick answer has to be: yesterday. And this is true regardless of how well developed your web business might be. In the event ...

Redirecting Using 301 and 302

The 301 and 302 codes are the HTTP status codes used for redirection. These codes indicate that another request must be made ...

Search Results Are Blended

If you’ve spent much time searching, you have probably noticed that the search engines are not displaying a homogeneous ...

HTTP Status Codes

Each time a user agent requests a URL from a website, the server replies with a set of HTTP headers; the requested content follows ...

Text Is the Currency of the Internet

Relevancy is the measurement of the theoretical distance between two corresponding items with regards to relationship. Luckily ...

Static URLs and Dynamic URLs

Initially, the World Wide Web was comprised predominantly of static web sites. Each URL within a web site pointed to an actual ...

Site and Page Age

A web site that has existed for many years is likely to rank better than a new site, all other variables held constant. Over ...
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